Food in movies: “Big night” (1996)

Food and drinks have played a big role in the arts. As a big movie lover, I would also like to discuss about food in movies. Or, more precisely, on the major role of food in many movies.

My first movie shall be one that I saw with my flatmate Juan Pablo in Glasgow, back in 1997.  It’s named “Big night” and it’s a great story about two Italian brothers trying to survive, with their reastaurant, in 50s America. Other than being a nice story, the writers also use this restaurant story as a basis for a more deeper analysis of society and of changing cultures. The traditional Italian food “killed” by the bastardised american verison of it. Business vs Values. Tradition vs Fashion. Greed vs Friendship. Fast vs Slow. One sentence really stuck to my mind, and it’s very true: “give them what they want, at the beginning. Then you can give them what you want”.

It’s a “must be seen movie”. I give it 8,5/10.

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